Voluntary Site Remediation Program Assessments

SECI has performed numerous remedial assessments for closure of industrial properties in Illinois under the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency – Voluntary Site Remediation Program. SECI has completed in-situ or in-place remediation of petroleum and solvent contamination using both bio-remediation and chemical oxidation processes. SECI has also installed and operated numerous soil vapor, dual phase vapor and water extraction systems for the treatment of petroleum, solvent and anhydrous ammonia releases.

SECI has also conducted numerous excavation and off-site disposal projects for non-hazardous, special waste and Hazardous Waste sites in the Midwest. SECI has over 20 years of experience managing both soil and groundwater removal projects and this knowledge and expertise typically results in a savings of 30 to 50 percent due to accurate site preparation and direction of the excavation process.

Site Remediation Program Projects Including:

  • Focused Site Investigation Work Plans and Completion Reports
  • Comprehensive Site Investigation Work Plans and Completion Reports
  • Development of Risk Based Remediation Objectives using the TACO Guidelines
  • Development and Implementation of Remedial Action Plans
  • Submission of Remediation Action Completion Reports

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SECI has successfully re-mediated numerous Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites, dry cleaning facilities, Industrial properties including steel mills, low level radioactive sites, former manufacturing facilities, electroplating facilities, scrap yards (Automobile salvage yards), abandoned landfills, paint manufacturing plants and a former Nike missile base. SECI recently was approved as the project manager for the remediation of a Superfund Site in Northeastern Illinois.

Ronald W. Schrack, PE is the owner of Schrack Environmental Consulting and has been working in the environmental field since 1984. Mr. Schrack obtained a Bachelor's of Science Degree from The Ohio State University in 1985 and is registered as a Licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan

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