Soil Sampling & Waste Characterization
SECI has been involved in soil testing utilizing both drill rigs and geo-probe sampling equipment for the past 29 years. SECI has collected soil samples ranging from bedrock to shallow soil samples throughout the Midwest area. SECI can complete interior geo-probe sampling in most commercial buildings that have at least a 36 inch wide doorway. If necessary, hand augers can be utilized to collect soil samples from up to eight feet in depth beneath concrete floors of occupied structures.
No job is too difficult for SECI to collect soil samples. SECI has advanced soil borings and installed groundwater monitoring wells in high end clothing stores, beauty salons and restaurants without disrupting the retail operations.
SECI will evaluate your site, collect soil and/or groundwater samples for analysis and provide you with the documentation necessary to determine if your suspect materials are to be disposed of as a clean waste, special waste or hazardous waste.