Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
SECI follows the ASTM E 1903 - 19 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process for Phase II investigations.
If Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) are identified during the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment investigation, SECI is uniquely qualified to conduct the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment to evaluate the suspect areas on your property.
SECI has conducted Phase II investigations on a wide variety of properties ranging from former gasoline service stations, manufacturing facilities (dealing with heavy metal and solvent contamination), a steel mill, a former Nike missile base, a fertilizer and surfactant manufacturing facility with low level radioactive contamination and numerous other industrial properties.
The Phase II investigation typically involves the completion of soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells to evaluate for the presence of soil and groundwater contamination. The Phase II investigations are conducted in accordance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s – Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program or the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s – Voluntary Site Remediation Program guidelines to ensure that the initial sampling efforts can be utilized as port of the closure process. This investigation approach saves the client both time and money.