Phase I Environmental Site Assessments AAI & ASTM Compliant

Ronald W. Schrack, P.E. was conducting Due Diligence Audits for Fortune 500 companies in 1985 prior to the development of the ASTM Standards. Mr. Schrack has been part of the core group of environmental engineers that implemented the first ASTM Standards for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and still personally conducted Phase I investigations for clients in and around the Chicago Area.

SECI follows the current Phase I Environmental Site Assessment guidelines (ASTM – E – 1527 – 21) and the All Appropriate Inquiry Standards (40 CFR 312) for each Phase I assessment. Each Phase I includes copies of the local building permit files, City Directories, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, historical aerial photographs, historical topographic maps. In addition, SECI conducts interviews with both maintenance personnel and current property owners providing the client with the most accurate historical picture of the property and is the benchmark for the environmental industry.

Want a low cost alternative to a Phase I investigation? Try our Preliminary Site Evaluation (PSE) for smaller commercial loans that do not require a complete Phase I assessment. SECI’s PSE involves a site inspection and environmental records search of the subject property to provide a baseline environmental evaluation of a commercial property. The PSE is similar to a “Mini Phase I” format utilized by Chase Bank and other large lenders. SECI will complete a PSE on most commercial properties in northern Illinois, northwest Indiana and southwest Wisconsin for $ 750.00.

Schedule a free estimate today!

Let Schrack Environmental help review your project. We want to provide a full picture for you and create your custom project plan. How may we help you?

SECI has successfully re-mediated numerous Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites, dry cleaning facilities, Industrial properties including steel mills, low level radioactive sites, former manufacturing facilities, electroplating facilities, scrap yards (Automobile salvage yards), abandoned landfills, paint manufacturing plants and a former Nike missile base. SECI recently was approved as the project manager for the remediation of a Superfund Site in Northeastern Illinois.

Ronald W. Schrack, PE is the owner of Schrack Environmental Consulting and has been working in the environmental field since 1984. Mr. Schrack obtained a Bachelor's of Science Degree from The Ohio State University in 1985 and is registered as a Licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan

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